Resources | GRAND Mental Health
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We’ve collected articles, videos, resource links and more in one convenient place. Find them below or click on these links for other useful information.


GRAND Mental Health Partners with Broken Arrow Public Schools to Provide In-School Behavioral Health Support

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GRAND Mental Health Partners with Northern Oklahoma College to Provide Mental Health Services to Students

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Advocates Working to Bridge the Gap in Mental Health Services in Tulsa

Grand Mental Health’s goal is to break the stigma related to mental health, including depression, anxiety, or more severe issues that may require a higher level treatment.

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GRAND Mental Health Establishes New Advisory Council

The GRAND Advisory Council will provide valuable guidance for the Tulsa region.

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    "We want our people to be able to talk about it"

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    Sam's Testimonial

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    "We deal with a lot of trauma, social injustice"

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    "When you have this model minority myth, it impacts us"

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    "It's okay to not be okay"